Re: My Job is Never Done

I’m sure all you homemakers out there can relate. During the covid-times, everyone is home and I’ve tried to keep up or get ahead of the dishes. It’s so nice to have a clean kitchen, even if it only lasts for a few minutes. And this is me only with my small family of 3 persons. I don’t know how people with larger families do it.

My daughter is in school full time now, so I get a break from her lunches. But my wife is home all the time right now. The news here is that she’s recovering from a surgery and she won’t be back to teaching until at least Oct. 15. (This would be the subject of a future post.) She’s doing ok, but she can’t really do much house work. My 9 year old is a small tornado around here, though she’s getting better with age. I don’t want to complain too much, but I need to vent.

We’ve started a new diet here, which relates to my wife’s health issues. The new diet requires me to be better about shopping and cooking. I’m using recipes out of a book we got from the library, and it’s been working out pretty well. However, it takes me longer to make dinner when I’m uncomfortable about doing something new with food. It usually turns out well, though. But this has also increased the output of dirty dishes.

My wife learned something new about me recently… I Hate Food Messes!! This can cause me some problems. My emotions about this don’t lead me to clean better. Rather, this leads me to try to avoid doing dishes and wiping counters. Many days I don’t clean until right before I need to start on dinner, so the kitchen could hardly ever be considered clean. I’m working to improve on this.

Ok, I’m going to put the dry dishes away right now and make sure the rest of the kitchen is wiped down. Thanks for staying with me.